
Monday, January 06, 2025

Important Topics for Financial Analytics subject



Long Questions

1.    Define Financial Analytics? Discuss the Need & Importance of Financial analytics

2.    Describe scientific methods in Finance

3.    Explain how Financial analytics helpful for Business and also explain uses of it

4.    Discuss empirical studies & research in Finance

5.    Outline various software packages for Financial data analysis

Short questions

1.    Financial Analytics Vs. Financial Analysis

2.    Financial Analytics Vs. Financial Modeling

3.    What is Financial Data?

4.    What are various steps in SPSS



1.    Explain various Financial functions used in MS Excel

2.    Discuss the PV, FV, NPV & IRR functions calculation process using Excel

3.    Explain Various Finance tools used under Portfolio Management

4.    Discuss the Annual return & Risk calculation process using Excel

5.    Discuss the correlation function using example and its calculation process using Excel


Short questions

1.    Define Finance Function

2.    PV Vs. FV function in excel

3.    NPV Vs. IRR function in excel

4.    Angle of Incidence

5.    XNPV & XIRR

6.    What is Annuities?

7.    Beta/Market Beta/Systematic Risk


Long Questions

1.    Explain various characteristics of statistics & Various types

2.    Discuss various scaling Techniques using examples

3.    Discuss the Graphical representation of data using MS Excel

4.    Discuss the applications of measures of central tendency

5.    Explain important characteristic of good measure of dispersion

Short questions

1.    Descriptive statistical tools

2.    Symmetry, Skewness & kurtosis

3.    Population vs. Sample

4.    Parametric Vs. Non-Parametric Test

5.    Independent Vs. Dependent variable

6.    Correlation Vs. Regression


Long Questions

1.    Explain the Applications of correlation from Investment point of view

2.    Write the step by step procedure of calculation of Avg. Return, Risk & portfolio using example

3.    Discuss the Calculation procedure of  MMULT & TRASPOSE functions in MS Excel using example

4.    What is Scatter Plot diagram, explain the procedure to draw using MS Excel

5.    Explain various types of correlation using examples


Short questions


1.    Investment vs. speculation

2.    Risk vs. Return

3.    Systematic Risk vs. Unsystematic Risk

4.    Positive correlation vs. Negative correlation

5.    CAPM

6.    SML


Long Questions

1.    Explain the concept of Financial forecasting & its significance

2.    Discuss various types of Financial forecasting

3.    What is simple linear regression, explain its applications (Using MS Excel)

4.    What is Multiple linear regression, explain its applications (Using MS Excel)

5.    Explain the concept of Testing the equality of population regression coefficient to be zero using examples



Short questions

1.    Dummy variable

2.    Predictive variable Vs. Dependent variable

3.    Simple linear regression Vs. Multiple linear regression

4.    List out categorical variables

5.    List out quantitative methods in Finance



Long Questions

1.    Explain Predictive analytics need & importance

2.    Discuss the applications of Time series analysis concept

3.    Explain the concept of Time plot statistics

4.    Discuss various Time series forecasting methods

5.    Discuss the concept of Autoregressive time series model and its applications

6.    Explain the concept of Random walk and Unit root concepts

7.    Discuss various Trend models in Predictive analytics


Short questions

1.    ARMA Vs. ARIMA

2.    Time series Vs. Cross sectional

3.    Time series Vs. Panel data

4.    Panel survey Vs. Longitude survey

5.    Stationary data vs. Non-stationary data


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